Specific, achievable plans can increase people’s commitment to behavior change and increase their likelihood of success. However, many people struggle to create such plans, and ...
Elena Agapie, Lucas Colusso, Sean A. Munson, Gary ...
When personalities clash, teams operate less effectively. Personality differences affect face-to-face collaboration and may lower trust in virtual teams. For relatively short-live...
While the web contains many social websites, people are generally left in the dark about the activities of other people traversing the web as a whole. In this paper, we explore th...
Pro-eating disorder (pro-ED) communities on social media encourage the adoption and maintenance of disordered eating habits as acceptable alternative lifestyles rather than threat...
We present an interview study of 34 participants in the US and Korea who described how they manage their personal data, from work files to family photos. Through their “data nar...
Janet Vertesi, Jofish Kaye, Samantha N. Jarosewski...
Online crowds are a promising source of new innovations. However, crowd innovation quality does not always match its quantity. In this paper, we explore how to improve crowd innov...
Extensive scholarship has investigated technology use among families. Existing work has focused primarily on parents’ reactions to and restrictions of their children’s technol...
Lindsay Blackwell, Emma Gardiner, Sarita Yardi Sch...
We identify emerging phenomena of distributed liveness, involving new relationships among performers, audiences, and technology. Liveness is a recent, technology-based construct, ...
Andrew M. Webb, Chen Wang, Andruid Kerne, Pablo C&...
The number of stay-at-home dads (SAHDs) in the U.S. has risen dramatically over the past 30 years. Despite gaining social acceptability, SAHDs still experience isolation and judgm...