Even though the benefits of component-based software development are widely accepted, they are easily overestimated. To provide a firmer basis for the general discussion we descri...
Modeling software components from multiple perspectives provides complementary views of a software system and enables sophisticated analyses of its functionality. A software compon...
Abstract. Dependable distributed applications require flexible infrastructure support for controlled redundancy, replication, and recovery of components and services. However, mos...
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to show how the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) can be used in relation with component based software engineering. A software component only exhi...
The idea of component based software systems has a long tradition in the field of software engineering. Component markets have been an integral part of this idea. However, such ma...
In this paper, we present a mathematical model for the composition of software components, at a semantic modelling level. We describe a mathematical concept of a single software c...
According to Szyperski, “a software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only”. But it is well known tha...
When software products are assembled from pre-defined components, performance prediction should be based on the components also. This supports rapid model-building, using previous...
Abstract. Products within a product family are composed of different component configurations where components have different variable features and a large amount of dependency re...
In most component models, a software component consists of a functional part and a controller part. The controller part may be extensible; however, existing component models provi...