This paper centers on the discussion of k-medoid-style clustering algorithms for supervised summary generation. This task requires clustering techniques that identify class-unifor...
This paper presents a new approach to identifying concepts expressed in a collection of email messages, and organizing them into an ontology or taxonomy for browsing. It incorpora...
This paper investigates the use of supervised clustering in order to create sets of categories for classi cation of documents. We use information from a pre-existing taxonomy in o...
: This paper describes a rather novel method for the supervised training of regression systems that can be an alternative to feedforward Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) trained w...
Mark J. Embrechts, Dirk Devogelaere, Marcel Rijcka...
Abstract. This paper centers on a novel data mining technique we term supervised clustering. Unlike traditional clustering, supervised clustering is applied to classified examples ...
Wikipedia has been applied as a background knowledge base to various text mining problems, but very few attempts have been made to utilize it for document clustering. In this pape...
Anna Huang, David N. Milne, Eibe Frank, Ian H. Wit...
We address the problem of detecting batches of emails that have been created according to the same template. This problem is motivated by the desire to filter spam more effectivel...