
238views Database» more  ICDE 2011»
13 years 2 months ago
Join queries on uncertain data: Semantics and efficient processing
— Uncertain data is quite common nowadays in a variety of modern database applications. At the same time, the join operation is one of the most important but expensive operations...
Tingjian Ge
182views more  JMLR 2010»
13 years 5 months ago
Decision Tree for Dynamic and Uncertain Data Streams
Current research on data stream classification mainly focuses on certain data, in which precise and definite value is usually assumed. However, data with uncertainty is quite natu...
Chunquan Liang, Yang Zhang, Qun Song
276views Database» more  VLDB 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
Ranking queries on uncertain data
Uncertain data is inherent in a few important applications such as environmental surveillance and mobile object tracking. Top-k queries (also known as ranking queries) are often n...
Ming Hua, Jian Pei, Xuemin Lin
13 years 8 months ago
Schema Design for Uncertain Databases
We address schema design in uncertain databases. Since uncertain data is relational in nature, decomposition becomes a key issue in design. Decomposition relies on dependency theo...
Anish Das Sarma, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom
199views more  TKDE 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Probabilistic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries on Uncertain Data
—Uncertain data is inherent in various important applications and reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query is an important query type for many applications. While many different type...
Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang 0011, ...
190views more  TKDE 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Effectively Indexing the Uncertain Space
—With the rapid development of various optical, infrared, and radar sensors and GPS techniques, there are a huge amount of multidimensional uncertain data collected and accumulat...
Ying Zhang, Xuemin Lin, Wenjie Zhang, Jianmin Wang...
151views more  PVLDB 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
A Generic Framework for Handling Uncertain Data with Local Correlations
Data uncertainty is ubiquitous in many real-world applications such as sensor/RFID data analysis. In this paper, we investigate uncertain data that exhibit local correlations, tha...
Xiang Lian, Lei Chen 0002
135views more  PVLDB 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Similarity Search and Mining in Uncertain Databases
Managing, searching and mining uncertain data has achieved much attention in the database community recently due to new sensor technologies and new ways of collecting data. There ...
Matthias Renz, Reynold Cheng, Hans-Peter Kriegel, ...
13 years 9 months ago
Skyline query processing for uncertain data
Recently, several research efforts have addressed answering skyline queries efficiently over large datasets. However, this research lacks methods to compute these queries over un...
Mohamed E. Khalefa, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Justin J. L...
75views more  CSDA 2007»
13 years 11 months ago
Robust counterparts of errors-in-variables problems
Of interest here are linear data fitting problems with uncertain data which lie in a given uncertainty set. A robust counterpart of such a problem may be interpreted as the probl...
G. A. Watson