Among the advantages of visual dataflow programming is that it can give the user a sense of location for the data in a computation. This can help novices build a mental picture of...
We built a prototype tool for browsing constraint systems for the layout of graphical objects. It has two views: In one view, the tool visualizes a constraint system as a threedim...
The recent major revision of the UML (see [4]) has introduced significant changes and additions. In particular, Message Sequence Charts (MSC) according to the ISO standard (see [...
The educationally disadvantaged people in contextaware computing are those without any programming experience, and are unable to build context-aware applications with the current ...
We present a tool for component system design in the UML. The tool supports an internal process model for graphical specifications. The model is used to guarantee consistency of ...
The effects of graphical and textual visualisations in a multi-representational debugging environment were investigated in computing students who used a software debugging environ...
Pablo Romero, Benedict du Boulay, Rudi Lutz, Richa...
Thispaper presents an approach to spatial specifications for Web information transformation'. Extended from the Reserved Graph Grammar (RGG), a Spatial Graph Grammar (SGG) is...
Mei Kang Qiu, Guang-Lei Song, Jun Kong, Kang Zhang
End-user programmers are writing an unprecedented number of programs, due in large part to the significant effort put forth to bring programming power to end users. Unfortunately,...
Shrinu Prabhakararao, Curtis R. Cook, Joseph R. Ru...