Despite steady research advances in many aspects of virtual reality, building and testing virtual worlds remains to be a very difficult process. Most virtual environments are stil...
The Marching Cubes (MC) algorithm is a popular approach to extract iso-surfaces from volumetric data. This approach extracts triangles from the volume data for a specific iso-valu...
Jagannathan Lakshmipathy, Wieslaw L. Nowinski, Eri...
This paper presents real-time reconstruction of dynamic 3D avatar for interactive mixed reality. In computer graphics, one of the main goals is the combination of virtual scenes w...
Sang Yup Lee, Ig-Jae Kim, Sang Chul Ahn, Heedong K...
Actual graphic hardware becomes more and more powerful. Consequently, virtual scenes can be rendered in a very good quality integrating dynamic behavior, real-time shadows, bump m...
Introducing mixed reality (MR) into safety-critical environment like oil refinery is difficult, since the environment and organization lays demanding restrictions for the applicat...