

CAS-BUS: A Test Access Mechanism and a Toolbox Environment for Core-Based System Chip Testing

14 years 2 months ago
CAS-BUS: A Test Access Mechanism and a Toolbox Environment for Core-Based System Chip Testing
As System on a Chip (SoC) testing faces new challenges, some new test architectures must be developed. This paper describes a Test Access Mechanism (TAM) named CASBUS that solves some of the new problems the test industry has to deal with. This TAM is scalable, flexible and dynamically reconfigurable. The CAS-BUS architecture is compatible with the IEEE P1500 standard proposal in its current state of development, and is controlled by Boundary Scan features. This basic CAS-BUS architecture has been extended with two independent variants. The first extension has been designed in order to manage SoC made up with both wrapped cores and non wrapped cores with Boundray Scan features. The second deals with a test pin expansion method in order to solve the I/O bandwidth problem. The proposed solution is based on a new compression/decompression mechanism which provides significant results in case of non correlated test patterns processing. This solution avoids TAM performance degradation. Thes...
Mounir Benabdenbi, Walid Maroufi, Meryem Marzouki
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where ET
Authors Mounir Benabdenbi, Walid Maroufi, Meryem Marzouki
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