

Facilitating compiler optimizations through the dynamic mapping of alternate register structures

13 years 12 months ago
Facilitating compiler optimizations through the dynamic mapping of alternate register structures
Aggressive compiler optimizations such as software pipelining and loop invariant code motion can significantly improve application performance, but these transformations often require the use of several additional registers to hold data values across one or more loop iterations. Compilers that target embedded systems may often have difficulty exploiting these optimizations since many embedded systems typically do not have as many general purpose registers available. Alternate register structures like register queues can be used to facilitate the application of these optimizations due to common reference patterns. In this paper, we propose a microarchitectural technique that permits these alternate register structures to be efficiently mapped into a given processor architecture and automatically exploited by an optimizing compiler. We show that this minimally invasive technique can be used to facilitate the application of software pipelining and loop invariant code motion for a vari...
Chris Zimmer, Stephen Roderick Hines, Prasad Kulka
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Chris Zimmer, Stephen Roderick Hines, Prasad Kulkarni, Gary S. Tyson, David B. Whalley
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