

Formally Analyzing Expected Time Complexity of Algorithms Using Theorem Proving

13 years 4 months ago
Formally Analyzing Expected Time Complexity of Algorithms Using Theorem Proving
Probabilistic techniques are widely used in the analysis of algorithms to estimate the computational complexity of algorithms or a computational problem. Traditionally, such analyses are performed using paper-and-pencil proofs and the results are sometimes validated using simulation techniques. These techniques are informal and thus may result in an inaccurate analysis. In this paper, we propose a formal technique for analyzing the expected time complexity of algorithms using higher-order-logic theorem proving. The approach calls for mathematically modeling the algorithm along with its inputs, using indicator random variables, in higher-order logic. This model is then used to formally reason about the expected time complexity of the underlying algorithm in a theorem prover. The paper includes the higher-order-logic formalization of indicator random variables, which are fundamental to the proposed infrastructure. In order to illustrate the practical effectiveness and utilization of the ...
Osman Hasan, Sofiène Tahar
Added 19 May 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCST
Authors Osman Hasan, Sofiène Tahar
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