

Goals in the context of BDI plan failure and planning

14 years 6 months ago
Goals in the context of BDI plan failure and planning
We develop a Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) style agent-oriented programming language with special emphasis on the semantics of goals in the presence of the typical BDI failure handling present in many BDI systems and a novel account of hierarchical lookahead planning. The work builds incrementally on two existing languages and accommodates three type of goals: classical BDI-style event goals, declarative goals, and planning goals. We mainly focus on the dynamics of these type of goals and, in particular, on a kind of commitment scheme that brings the new language closer to the solid existing work in agent theory. To that end, we develop a semantics that recognises the usual hierarchical structure of active goals as well as their declarative aspects. In contrast with previous languages, the new language prevents an agent from blindly persisting with a (blocked) subsidiary goal when an alternative strategy for achieving a higher-level motivating goal exists. In addition, the new semanti...
Sebastian Sardiña, Lin Padgham
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ATAL
Authors Sebastian Sardiña, Lin Padgham
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