

The Impact of Memory Hierarchies on Cluster Computing

14 years 2 months ago
The Impact of Memory Hierarchies on Cluster Computing
Using off-the-shelf commodity workstations and PCs to build a cluster for parallel computing has become a common practice. A choice of a cost-effective cluster computing platform for a given budget and for certain types of application workloads is mainly determined by its memory hierarchy and interconnection network of the cluster. Finding such a solution from exhaustive simulations would be highly time-consuming and expensive; and predictions from measurements on existing clusters would be impractical. We present an analytical model for evaluating performance impact of memory hierarchies and networks on cluster computing. The model covers the memory hierarchy of a single SMP, a cluster of workstations/PCs, or a cluster of SMPs by changing various modeling and architectural parameters. Network variations covering bus and switch networks are also included in the analysis. Applications of different types are characterized by parameterized workloads with different computation and communi...
Xing Du, Xiaodong Zhang
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IPPS
Authors Xing Du, Xiaodong Zhang
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