

Integrating Organizational Memory and Performance Support

14 years 2 months ago
Integrating Organizational Memory and Performance Support
We describe an approach to building integrated performance support systems by using model-based task tracking to link performance support tools to video-based organizational memory systems, enabling contextually appropriate help and advice as well as proactive critiquing. Keywords Intelligent performance support, task models, organizational memory, hypermedia PRELUDE Over the past several years we have developed a family c6 hypermedia systems-ASK systems-aimed at providing conversational access to large case libraries for training and performance support (e.g., [2,5]). At least twenty such systems have been constructed in that time, covering a wide variety of domains including management consulting, military transportation planning, fluid coupling design, and public water supply issues. Each ASK system contains a large number of 30-second to two-minute video clips in which experts recount “war stories” of their actual experiences in these domains. These systems represent our attem...
Christopher R. Johnson, Lawrence Birnbaum, Ray Bar
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IUI
Authors Christopher R. Johnson, Lawrence Birnbaum, Ray Bareiss, Tom Hinrichs
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