

Introducing Virtual Private Overlay Network Services in Large Scale Grid Infrastructures

13 years 9 months ago
Introducing Virtual Private Overlay Network Services in Large Scale Grid Infrastructures
—The computational Grid concept is gaining great popularity as the best way to deliver access to a wide range of distributed computing and data resources. But, as Grids move from an experimental phase to real production and their deployment in the Internet significantly increases, controlling the security of a Grid application becomes imperative. The most significant Grid security issue is that the different sites composing the Grid will generally be managed by different organizations each with their own security mechanisms and policies. This makes any communication security arrangement on the entities participating to the Grid generally more difficult than if they were on the same LAN. In this paper, we propose a twork resource abstraction for delivering dynamic on-demand Virtual Private Overlay connection services, into large-scale Grid environments. Such facility provides to Grid applications an illusion of dedicated layer-2 LAN connections that are fully comparable to a private n...
Francesco Palmieri
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCP
Authors Francesco Palmieri
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