

MC Slicing for Volume Rendering Applications

14 years 3 months ago
MC Slicing for Volume Rendering Applications
Recent developments in volume visualization using standard graphics hardware provide an effective and interactive way to understand and interpret the data. Mainly based on 3d texture mapping, these hardware-accelerated visualization systems often use a cell-projection method based on a tetrahedral decomposition of volumes usually sampled as a regular lattice. On the contrary, the method we address in this paper considers the slicing problem as a restricted solution of the marching cubes algorithm [1, 2]. Our solution is thus simple, elegant and fast. The nature of the intersection polygons provides us with the opportunity to retain only 4 of the 15 canonical configurations defined by Lorensen and Cline and to propose a special look-up table.
A. Benassarou, Eric Bittar, N. W. John, Laurent Lu
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICCS
Authors A. Benassarou, Eric Bittar, N. W. John, Laurent Lucas
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