

A New Line Integral Convolution Algorithm for Visualizing Time-Varying Flow Fields

14 years 2 months ago
A New Line Integral Convolution Algorithm for Visualizing Time-Varying Flow Fields
—New challenges on vector field visualization emerge as time-dependent numerical simulations become ubiquitous in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To visualize data generated from these simulations, traditional techniques, such as displaying particle traces, can only reveal flow phenomena in preselected local regions and, thus, are unable to track the evolution of global flow features over time. This paper presents a new algorithm, called UFLIC (Unsteady Flow LIC), to visualize vector data in unsteady flow fields. Our algorithm extends a texture synthesis technique, called Line Integral Convolution (LIC), by devising a new convolution algorithm that uses a time-accurate value scattering scheme to model the texture advection. In addition, our algorithm maintains the coherence of the flow animation by successively updating the convolution results over time. Furthermore, we propose a parallel UFLIC algorithm that can achieve high load-balancing for multiprocessor compute...
Han-Wei Shen, David L. Kao
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TVCG
Authors Han-Wei Shen, David L. Kao
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