

Software Connectors and their Role in Component Deployment

14 years 3 months ago
Software Connectors and their Role in Component Deployment
To support rapid software evolution, it is desirable to construct software systems from reusable components. In this approach, the architecture of a system is described as a collection of components along with the interactions among these components. Whereas the main system functional blocks are components, the properties of the system also strongly depend on the character of the component interactions. This fact gave birth to the "connector" concept which is an ion capturing the nature of these interactions. The problem tackled in this paper is that even though the notion of connectors originates in the earliest papers on software architectures [20, 15], connectors are currently far from being a typical first class entity in the contemporary component-based systems. Byarticulatingthe"deploymentanomaly", thepaperidentifiesthe role connectors should play when the distribution and deployment of a component-based application is considered. Further, we introduce a conne...
Dusan Bálek, Frantisek Plasil
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where DAIS
Authors Dusan Bálek, Frantisek Plasil
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