

Spatial Reasoning for Information Brokering

14 years 8 days ago
Spatial Reasoning for Information Brokering
The World Wide Webprovides new opportunities for collecting information from distributed, multiple, and heterogeneous data sources. Information brokering can bc used to provide coordinated access to these sources if they arc structured or semi-structured. The BUSTER(Brcmcn University Scmantic Translator for EnhancedRetrieval) approach provides enabling technologies for information search and integration and can bc seen as an information broker. However, it is not possible to represent and reason about spatial objects. In this paper, wemotivate the need for the integration of spatial representation and reasoning and propose an extension of the approach. We.discuss approaches for spatial representations. Wcconclude with a new concept for an extension of BUSTERwith explicit rcprcscntations of spatial concepts and reasoning mechanismsthat can be applied in order to support spatial informationbrokering.
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Christoph Schlieder, Ubbo V
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Christoph Schlieder, Ubbo Visser, Thomas J. Vögele, H. Neumann
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