

Ultrasound Stimulated Vibro-acoustography

14 years 7 months ago
Ultrasound Stimulated Vibro-acoustography
ABSTRACT We describe theoretical principles of an imaging modality that uses the acoustic response of an object to a highly localized dynamic radiation force of an ultrasound field. In this method, named ultrasound-stimulated vibro-acoustography (USVA), ultrasound is used to exert a low-frequency (in kHz range) force on the object. In response, a portion of the object vibrates sinusoidally in a pattern determined by its viscoelastic properties. The acoustic emission field resulting from object vibration is detected and used to form an image that represents both the ultrasonic and low-frequency (kHz range) mechanical characteristics of the object. We report the relation between the emitted acoustic field and the incident ultrasonic pressure field in terms of object parameters. Also, we present the point-spread function of the imaging system. The experimental images in this report have a resolution of about 700 ␮m, high contrast, and high signal-to-noise ratio. USVA is sensitive enough...
James F. Greenleaf, Mostafa Fatemi, Marek Belohlav
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECCV
Authors James F. Greenleaf, Mostafa Fatemi, Marek Belohlavek
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