

Wikipedia as Sense Inventory to Improve Diversity in Web Search Results

13 years 10 months ago
Wikipedia as Sense Inventory to Improve Diversity in Web Search Results
Is it possible to use sense inventories to improve Web search results diversity for one word queries? To answer this question, we focus on two broad-coverage lexical resources of a different nature: WordNet, as a de-facto standard used in Word Sense Disambiguation experiments; and Wikipedia, as a large coverage, updated encyclopaedic resource which may have a better coverage of relevant senses in Web pages. Our results indicate that (i) Wikipedia has a much better coverage of search results, (ii) the distribution of senses in search results can be estimated using the internal graph structure of the Wikipedia and the relative number of visits received by each sense in Wikipedia, and (iii) associating Web pages to Wikipedia senses with simple and efficient algorithms, we can produce modified rankings that cover 70% more Wikipedia senses than the original search engine rankings. 1 Motivation The application of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to Information Retrieval (IR) has been subject...
Celina Santamaría, Julio Gonzalo, Javier Ar
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ACL
Authors Celina Santamaría, Julio Gonzalo, Javier Artiles
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