The IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standard power-saving mode (PSM) allows the network interface card (NIC) to periodically sleep between receiving data. In this paper, we show that 802...
Suman Nath, Zachary R. Anderson, Srinivasan Seshan
This paper studies a Bad Apple phenomenon caused by Head-of-Line blocking in IEEE 802.11 networks. This problem can adversely affect the performance of wireless multimedia streami...
The combination of unlicensed spectrum, cheap wireless interfaces and the inherent convenience of untethered computing have made 802.11-based networks ubiquitous in the enterprise...
The use of 802.11 long-distance links is a cost-effective means of providing wireless connectivity to rural areas. Although deployments in this setting are increasing, a systemat...
Kameswari Chebrolu, Bhaskaran Raman, Sayandeep Sen
IEEE 802.11 has become the main technology in local area wireless networks. However, performance anomalies, especially, in terms of fairness, arise in its use in ad hoc networks. ...
— The limited number of orthogonal channels and the autonomous installations of hotspots and home wireless networks often leave neighboring 802.11 basic service sets (BSS’s) op...
Chun-cheng Chen, Eunsoo Seo, Hwangnam Kim, Haiyun ...
Abstract. Multi-hop wireless networks provide a quick and easy way for networking when we need a temporary network or when cabling is difficult. The 802.11 Medium Access Control (M...
IEEE 802.11 based wireless LANs (WLAN) are ubiquitous nowadays. Running real time voice and video applications over LANs is becoming common place. These applications require QoS i...
This paper presents the concept and preliminary performance evaluation of a stochastic network discovery approach named opportunistic scanning. Therein, a station only pauses its ...
The upcoming 802.11w amendment to the 802.11 standard eliminates the 802.11 deauthentication and disassociation Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerabilities. This paper presents two oth...