
82views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Nuovo DRM Paradiso: Designing a Secure, Verified, Fair Exchange DRM Scheme
We introduce Nuovo DRM, a digital rights management scheme aimed to provide formal and practical security. The scheme is based on a recent DRM scheme, which we formally specify in ...
Muhammad Torabi Dashti, Srijith Krishnan Nair, Hug...
98views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
A Restarted Strategy for Efficient Subsumption Testing
We study runtime distributions of subsumption testing. On graph data randomly sampled from two different generative models we observe a gradual growth of the tails of the distribut...
Ondrej Kuzelka, Filip Zelezný
142views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Relational Transformation-based Tagging for Activity Recognition
Abstract. The ability to recognize human activities from sensory information is essential for developing the next generation of smart devices. Many human activity recognition tasks...
Niels Landwehr, Bernd Gutmann, Ingo Thon, Luc De R...
99views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Universality Analysis for One-Clock Timed Automata
This paper is concerned with the universality problem for timed automata: given a timed automaton A, does A accept all timed words? Alur and Dill have shown that the universality p...
Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Joël Ouak...
88views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Learning from Skewed Class Multi-relational Databases
Relational databases, with vast amounts of data
Hongyu Guo, Herna L. Viktor
136views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Multi-Dimensional Relational Sequence Mining
The issue addressed in this paper concerns the discovery of frequent multi-dimensional patterns from relational sequences. The great variety of applications of sequential pattern m...
Floriana Esposito, Nicola Di Mauro, Teresa Maria A...
83views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Fault Diagnosis with Static and Dynamic Observers
We study sensor minimization problems in the context of fault diagnosis. Fault diagnosis consists in synthesizing a diagnoser that observes a given plant and identifies faults in t...
Franck Cassez, Stavros Tripakis
100views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Alias Types and Effects for "Environment-aware" Computations
We adapt the alias type technology to deal with primitives supporting environmentawareness (that is, the ability to adapt the behavior of according to the capabilities of the envi...
Ferruccio Damiani, Elena Giachino, Paola Giannini
72views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
Working with the Past: Integrating History in Petri Nets
Abstract. Most information systems that are driven by process models (e.g., workflow management systems) record events in event logs, also known as transaction logs or audit trails...
Kees M. van Hee, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sid...
94views more  FUIN 2008»
14 years 6 days ago
On the Compared Expressiveness of Arc, Place and Transition Time Petri Nets
In this paper, we consider safe Time Petri Nets where time intervals (strict and large) are associated with places (P-TPN), arcs (A-TPN) or transitions (T-TPN). We give the formal ...
Marc Boyer, Olivier H. Roux