A set A of vertices of a graph G is called d-scattered in G if no two d-neighborhoods of (distinct) vertices of A intersect. In other words, A is d-scattered if no two distinct ver...
We generalize the model theory of small profinite structures developed by Newelski to the case of compact metric spaces considered together with compact groups of homeomorphisms a...
We say a countable model A has a 0-basis if the types realized in A are uniformly computable. We say A has a (d-)decidable copy if there exists a model B = A such that the element...
It is shown that under GCH every poset preserves its cofinality in any cofinality preserving extension. On the other hand, starting with measurable cardinals, a model with a part...
We prove that the (non-intuitionistic) law of the double negation shift has a bounded functional interpretation with bar recursive functionals of finite type. As an application, we...
In 2007, Terence Tao wrote on his blog an essay about soft analysis, hard analysis and the finitization of soft analysis statements into hard analysis statements. One of his main ...
For automatic and recursive graphs, we investigate the following problems: (A) existence of a Hamiltonian path and existence of an infinite path in a tree (B) existence of an Euler...