We present an overview of Candide, a system for automatic translation of French text to English text. Candide uses methods of information theory and statistics to develop a probab...
Adam L. Berger, Peter F. Brown, Stephen Della Piet...
Acquisition of semantic information is necessary for proper understanding of natural language text. Such information is often domain-speclfic in nature and must be acquized from t...
We present results ofexperiments designed to assess the usefulness of a new technique for the evaluation of translation quality, comparing human rankings with automatic measures. ...
This research characterizes the spontaneous spoken disfluencies typical of human-computer interaction, and presents a predictive model accounting for their occurrence. Data were c...
As multilingual products and technology grow in importance, the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) intends to provide the resources needed for research and development activities, e...
This paper describes a semi-automatic method for associating a Japanese lexicon with a semantic concept taxonomy called an ontology, using a Japanese-English bilingual dictionary ...
This paper describes PEGASUS, a spoken language interface for on-line air travel planning that we have recently developed. PEGASUSleverages off our spoken language technology deve...
Victor Zue, Stephanie Seneff, Joseph Polifroni, Mi...