Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied previously to UML-driven, stress test requirements generation with the aim of increasing chances of discovering faults relating to networ...
This report presents a model-driven, stress test methodology aimed at increasing chances of discovering faults related to network traffic in Distributed Real-Time Systems (DRTS). T...
This paper presents an overview of test techniques that offer promising features when Built-In-Self-Test (BIST) must be applied to complex intgrated systems including analog, mixed...
Manuel J. Barragan Asian, Gloria Huertas, Adoraci&...
System testing is concerned with testing an entire system based on its specifications. In the context of object-oriented, UML development, this means that system test requirements ...
Existing test suite reduction techniques employed for testing web applications have either used traditional program coverage-based requirements or usage-based requirements. In thi...
Sreedevi Sampath, Sara Sprenkle, Emily Gibson, Lor...
Test suite reduction uses test requirement coverage to determine if the reduced test suite maintains the original suite’s requirement coverage. Based on observations from our pr...
Sreedevi Sampath, Sara Sprenkle, Emily Gibson, Lor...