
13 years 9 months ago
On the shiftability of dual-tree complex wavelet transforms
The dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT- WT) is known to exhibit better shift-invariance than the conventional discrete wavelet transform. We propose an amplitude-phase represe...
Kunal Narayan Chaudhury, Michael Unser
104views Education» more  TITB 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Time-frequency analysis of accelerometry data for detection of myoclonic seizures
Four time-frequency and time-scale methods are studied for their ability of detecting myoclonic seizures from accelerometric data. Methods that are used are: the short-time Fourier...
Tamara M. E. Nijsen, Ronald M. Aarts, Pierre J. M....
170views more  TIP 2011»
13 years 9 months ago
A New Hybrid Method for Image Approximation Using the Easy Path Wavelet Transform
The Easy Path Wavelet Transform (EPWT) has recently been proposed by one of the authors as a tool for sparse representations of bivariate functions from discrete data, in particul...
Gerlind Plonka, Stefanie Tenorth, Daniela Rosca
136views Control Systems» more  CDC 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Multi-resolution path planning: Theoretical analysis, efficient implementation, and extensions to dynamic environments
A multi-resolution path planning algorithm based on the wavelet transform of the environment has been reported previously in the literature. In this paper, we provide a proof of co...
Raghvendra V. Cowlagi, Panagiotis Tsiotras
176views Control Systems» more  CDC 2009»
14 years 2 days ago
Actuator fault detection and diagnosis based on morphology-wavelet
The paper described a novel method for detecting and identifying faults that occur in the actuator of control systems with input and output signals related to the component itself....
Yi Zhang, GuoLian Hou, Baojiang Wu
14 years 8 days ago
A Wavelet Based Local Descriptor for Human Action Recognition
In interest point based human action recognition, local descriptors are used to represent information in the neighbourhood around each extracted space-time interest point. The per...
Ling Shao, Ruoyun Gao
129views more  IAJIT 2010»
14 years 24 days ago
An algorithm for diagnosis of the three kinds of constitutional jaundice
: In this paper we have made an algorithm to diagnose the Constitutional Jaundice (Dubin-Johnson, Gilbert and Rotor syndrome) the algorithm is decomposed into two parts: 1) using W...
Shaker Ali, Zou Beiji, Abbas Ali
129views Neural Networks» more  NC 2007»
14 years 1 months ago
Sorting of neural spikes: When wavelet based methods outperform principal component analysis
Sorting of the extracellularly recorded spikes is a basic prerequisite for analysis of the cooperative neural behavior and neural code. Fundamentally the sorting performance is deï...
Alexey N. Pavlov, Valeri A. Makarov, Ioulia Makaro...
147views more  JMM2 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Selection of Mother Wavelet For Image Compression on Basis of Nature of Image
Recently discrete wavelet transform and wavelet packet has emerged as popular techniques for image compression. The wavelet transform is one of the major processing components of i...
Gajanan K. Kharate, Varsha H. Patil, Niranjan L. B...
148views Bioinformatics» more  JBI 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
A method for linking computed image features to histological semantics in neuropathology
In medical image analysis, the image content is often represented by computed features that need to be interpreted at a clinical level of understanding to support lopment of clini...
Birgit Lessmann, Tim W. Nattkemper, V. H. Hans, An...