
139views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
Resolution of large and small differences in gene expression using models for the Bayesian analysis of gene expression levels an
Background: The detection of small yet statistically significant differences in gene expression in spotted DNA microarray studies is an ongoing challenge. Meeting this challenge r...
Jeffrey P. Townsend
87views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
Selection of informative clusters from hierarchical cluster tree with gene classes
Background: A common clustering method in the analysis of gene expression data has been hierarchical clustering. Usually the analysis involves selection of clusters by cutting the...
Petri Törönen
133views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
Artificial neural network approach for selection of susceptible single nucleotide polymorphisms and construction of prediction m
Background: Screening of various gene markers such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and correlation between these markers and development of multifactorial disease have pre...
Yasuyuki Tomita, Shuta Tomida, Yuko Hasegawa, Yoic...
128views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
Comparing transformation methods for DNA microarray data
Background: When DNA microarray data are used for gene clustering, genotype/phenotype correlation studies, or tissue classification the signal intensities are usually transformed ...
Helene H. Thygesen, Aeilko H. Zwinderman
87views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
GECKO: a complete large-scale gene expression analysis platform
Joachim Theilhaber, Anatoly Ulyanov, Anish Malanth...
102views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
FRAGS: estimation of coding sequence substitution rates from fragmentary data
Background: Rates of substitution in protein-coding sequences can provide important insights into evolutionary processes that are of biomedical and theoretical interest. Increased...
Estienne C. Swart, Winston A. Hide, Cathal Seoighe
115views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
An SVD-based comparison of nine whole eukaryotic genomes supports a coelomate rather than ecdysozoan lineage
Background: Eukaryotic whole genome sequences are accumulating at an impressive rate. Effective methods for comparing multiple whole eukaryotic genomes on a large scale are needed...
Gary W. Stuart, Michael W. Berry
228views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
An XML standard for the dissemination of annotated 2D gel electrophoresis data complemented with mass spectrometry results
Background: Many proteomics initiatives require a seamless bioinformatics integration of a range of analytical steps between sample collection and systems modeling immediately ass...
Romesh Stanislaus, Liu Hong Jiang, Martha Swartz, ...
185views more  BMCBI 2004»
13 years 9 months ago
Linear fuzzy gene network models obtained from microarray data by exhaustive search
Background: Recent technological advances in high-throughput data collection allow for experimental study of increasingly complex systems on the scale of the whole cellular genome...
Bahrad A. Sokhansanj, J. Patrick Fitch, Judy N. Qu...