
72views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Shortest triplet clustering: reconstructing large phylogenies using representative sets
Background: Understanding the evolutionary relationships among species based on their genetic information is one of the primary objectives in phylogenetic analysis. Reconstructing...
Le Sy Vinh, Arndt von Haeseler
108views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Storing, linking, and mining microarray databases using SRS
Background: SRS (Sequence Retrieval System) has proven to be a valuable platform for storing, linking, and querying biological databases. Due to the availability of a broad range ...
Antoine Veldhoven, Don de Lange, Marcel Smid, Vict...
159views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Columba: an integrated database of proteins, structures, and annotations
Background: Structural and functional research often requires the computation of sets of protein structures based on certain properties of the proteins, such as sequence features,...
Silke Trißl, Kristian Rother, Heiko Mül...
90views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
DSD - An integrated, web-accessible database of Dehydrogenase Enzyme Stereospecificities
Background: Dehydrogenase enzymes belong to the oxidoreductase class and utilise the coenzymes NAD and NADP. Stereo-selectivity is focused on the C4 hydrogen atoms of the nicotina...
Christopher P. Toseland, Helen M. McSparron, Darre...
113views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Pathway level analysis of gene expression using singular value decomposition
Background: A promising direction in the analysis of gene expression focuses on the changes in expression of specific predefined sets of genes that are known in advance to be rela...
John K. Tomfohr, Jun Lu, Thomas B. Kepler
114views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Quality determination and the repair of poor quality spots in array experiments
Background: A common feature of microarray experiments is the occurence of missing gene expression data. These missing values occur for a variety of reasons, in particular, becaus...
Brian D. M. Tom, Walter R. Gilks, Elizabeth T. Bro...
122views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Computational verification of protein-protein interactions by orthologous co-expression
Background: High-throughput methods identify an overwhelming number of protein-protein interactions. However, the limited accuracy of these methods results in the false identifica...
Itay Tirosh, Naama Barkai
97views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 9 months ago
Modelling the correlation between the activities of adjacent genes in drosophila
Background: Correlation between the expression levels of genes which are located close to each other on the genome has been found in various organisms, including yeast, drosophila...
Helene H. Thygesen, Aeilko H. Zwinderman